what the falcon said/ lo que dijo el halcón

I called to my brother the eagle
because my heart was in flames

my sister, the hawk, answered me:

Oh daughter of the earth
you are full of being and misgivings

look at the sun on my wings
touch your love like that
and leave her in the sweetness of your devotion

be like the moon
that touches the sea with whispers
and changes nothing

this way you are neither separate
nor bound

you are a poem with two voices
into the mystery of two solitudes,
two gazes
with only one reflection
under a sleepless sky


Llamé a mi hermano el águila,
porque mi corazón era en llamas

mi hermana, el halcón, me contestó:

Ay hija de la tierra
eres llena de ser y recelos

mira el sol en mis alas
toque a tu amor así
y dejela en el dulzor de tu devoción

sea como la luna
que toca el mar con susurros
y no cambia nada

así, ustedes no estan ni separadas
ni atadas

ustedes son un poema en dos voces
hacia el misterio de dos soledades
dos miradas
pero un solo reflejo
bajo el cielo insomne

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If you would like to copy or share my work, please attribute it to me, Angela Royea, and note that it is copyrighted. If you would like to use it or print it somewhere, please contact me and let me know. contact @ 26leaves dot com.
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I write, blog, vlog and poet...I wander, I ponder and I recollect ...DIGITAL NOMAD & PHILOSOPHER

<3..........Laura Crean...........<3

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 - Author, artist, poet, mum, sci-fi and fantasy nutter - <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 v ision = love + truth + empowerment + enlightenment ~ Jesus = freedom <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 ****************************************** the Kid's Blog can be found at... http://rainbowruneblog.wordpress.com/ ***************************************************


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